Saturday, October 11, 2014

Throwback Friday (Eldar v. Dark Eldar)

My buddy Scott came over yesterday for dinner and a quick game of 40k. This was his first game of 7th Edition, and his first game with the new Dark Eldar Codex. I was able to look through his book (it is really a beautiful codex), and I was really impressed by it. There is a lot of potential, especially when combined with the Eldar codex. I have been trying to think of ways to run the Imperial Armor 11 Eldar Corsairs list, and mixing the two codexes really makes that possible.

Some hot Eldar on Eldar action

Anyway, we played a 500 pt Purge the Alien game on my living room floor. Scott brought some felt and a box of terrain, so we setup an old Imperial outpost. His Archon (supported by Kabalite Warriors in a Raider, Wyches in a Venom, and a unit of Scourges) surprised Loki and his Corsairs (two units of Dire Avengers, some Dark Reapers, and a Vyper) amongst the ruins. The game was a great example of how much and Eldar v. Dark Eldar fight can be. His Raider and Venom picked off my Dark Reapers and Vyper early on, but I was able to close in with the Dire Avengers to take both of his transports and the Scourges. The game ended in a tie, 3-3.

Scott's Dark Eldar (and my kids' blocks)

Loki and his Corsairs
This game was a lot of fun for many reasons. First, I got to play a game with one of my best buddies for the first time in what felt like forever. Second, we were just playing on the floor. It reminded me of how I would setup blankets and then have my G.I. Joe's ::pew pew:: each other from behind stacks of books.

Now my toy soldiers are painted (and more expensive), but the feeling was still the same. I love this game because it lets me feel like a kid. With all the responsibilities of adulthood, I am still able to disappear into a realm of super human soldiers and grimdark chaos. I can't stay there forever, but an hour on a Friday night is good enough for me.

Until next time!

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