Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Dredging the Grimdark: Zoats in 7th Edition

Dredging the Grimdark is a series of articles that review how you can use old, out of production (OOP) Citadel models or odd fluff concepts in your games of 7th Edition Warhammer 40k. Have a favorite model or story that you don't know how to use? Comment below and we can feature your suggestion in a later edition.

Like many of the races thoughtlessly murdered by Games Workshop, Zoats have a weird cult following. Most gamers are eclectic people, and most eclectic people love models with character. And, these models really have character. They look like an Orc and a Lizardman got really drunk and made a terrible, terrible mistake. I am a big fan of the fantasy aspect of these guys. Only the respirator and the bio-guns really prevent Zoats from being put on rectangle bases as Beastmen Centaurs or Wood Elf Wild Riders.

Zoats... in... Spaaaccceeeee!!!

Customizable metal models!

Finding the models isn't too difficult (eBay). But, they can be expensive depending on how you would use them. I have been mulling over some ideas, and I have really narrowed it down to two options. I have scored them based on three criteria (Cost, Fluff and Rules, and Modeling). Each category is worth a maximum of five points. The higher the score, the easier it would be to run the model as is.

Chaos Daemon Prince 
(Paint him purple and pretend he's Thanos)

Cost: Only one model, ~$30 3/5

Fluff and Rules: Evil Slaneeshi Zoats, yes please. Zoats are also well known for their speed, strength, and psychic abilities 4/5

Modeling: The models feel fairly chaotic, so I think it's a good fit. But, you might need to add on a daemonic weapon or do some filing to get the desired end result. 4/5

Total Score: 11/15

Tyranid Warriors
(Rogue Trader Throwback)

Cost: At least three, but I would use four and run one Prime and three Warriors, ~$120 2/5

Fluff and Rules: Zoats were originally "allied" with the 'Nids, so it is a logical fit. Rules and weapon load outs work, and it could make for some heavy hitters in a Genestealer Cult army. 5/5

Modeling: Fine as is, just make sure you get the right model to match your Warrior's weapon load out. 5/5

Total Score: 12/15

Tyranid Warriors win this one, but it seems like both would be a unique and and fun way to use a really interesting OOP model. And, you can pretend like you have been playing since before you were born!

Until next time! 

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