Friday, November 6, 2015

Horus Heresy Bundles from FW!!!

Hey everybody! I know its been a while, but life/work/etc. have sure gotten in the way of my hobbying as of late. But, never fear! I saw this and I realized I just had to share it. If you have been waiting on starting a 30k army, here is your chance. For about $350 you can have a new army from your favorite legion! Now is your chance. Horus Heresy is by far GW's best game, and this is a great way to start. From here, all you need to do is buy huge tanks and Primarchs. Who DOESN'T want huge tanks and Primarchs?

Jump on-board you freaky Emperor's Children fanboy! Feel the burn you crispy Salamanders player! Buy more gold bodypaint Son of Sanginius! Get excitied, because 30k is having it's coming out party. And, we are all invited!

Until next time!