Saturday, January 17, 2015

Nurgle's Rot and my new Yell Hounds Librarian

Well, that sucked. I came down with some stupid cold, and ended up having to cancel the Steiermark game last weekend. That, coupled with being busy at work meant I didn't get my normal hobby time this week. But, do not fret Corsairians! Check out Brother Amergin, Yell Hounds Librarian.

This was a really fun project. I basically rummaged through my bits bag and ended up finding all the makings for this guy. I was debating going for the standard blue, but since the Yell Hounds aren't necessarily codex compliant I felt like a non-standard color would look nice. Since the majority of the  army is grey, red really makes him stand out. And, it was a great opportunity to play around with a color I haven't used that often. Overall, I am really happy with the results.

Next weekend, Endgame is hosting a Highlander event. I've never played in one of these before, and I am really looking forward to seeing the types of list people bring. I have some painting to do before (five assault terminators, a razorback, a drop pod, and my custom Captain Tycho), but I feel like I always work best on a deadline. I am really excited about Tycho (he's in the picture below). Tycho is a really awesome character, and I am looking forward to putting him on the table.

Until next time!

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