Monday, February 23, 2015

The Fluffy 500 (An Army Building Concept)

Good news everybody! Corsair Radio has a Facebook page! Make sure to check us out here for updates on campaigns and other odds and oddities.

After looking at some the LVO lists from this past weekend, it got me thinking. What if every tournament required a 500 pt narrative component of your army? You could spend the rest of your points however you wished, but those 500 points would have to be fluffy and based on a short (couple paragraph) story. What would your "Fluffy 500" be? Here's mine:

(using Codex: Eldar)

Inquisitor Galden 
(counts-as Illic Nightspear)

Assassin-Acolytes x8
(counts-as Pathfinders)

(Vindicare Assassin)

Total 490 pts

The Story

The night was bitter cold. Wind howling in the darkness. The mesh armor that encased Inquisitor Galden’s tall body kept his core comfortable, but not his face. He tucked part of the deep purple scarf covering his head over his nearly frostbitten nose. His unit had been in the tower for fourteen hours now. Fourteen hours in a blizzard. Soft wisps of snow curled into the air, whipped from drifts of snow along the castle wall. 

He knew X-04 was patient, but this was ridiculous. Galden spotted him through the scope of his rifle. The vindicare assassin was perched about two kilometers to the west, balanced on the head of a sad looking stone gargoyle. His target was of no consequence, death would find him soon. The inquisitor’s mission was two-fold, protect the assassin and keep him on a tight leash. The first was easy. The second…

A muffled crack broke the silence. Distracted, the inquisitor turned to the source of noise. Shattered glass fell from an illuminated window. A headless body tumbled down the wall and into the courtyard below. Bright red blood ruining the purity of the wintry scene. Screams followed, ringing through the cold stone walls. Galden snapped his scope back to the gargoyle. The sniper was gone. 

This is all still pretty fresh, but it seems like a fun list building concept to me. Feel free to share your ideas in the comments below. Until next time!

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