Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!!! Top Five Gaming Moments of 2014

Taking a page from Carl of the ICs, I have decided to make a list of my top five gaming moments of 2014. This was a really incredible year for me, as it saw me finally have time to dive back into this hobby I have loved since I was a teenager. I am really looking forward to 2015, and sharing my love of the hobby with this awesome international community. Here's my list:

5. Listening to Podcasts

It all started thanks to Imperial Vox Cast, Broadcast XCVII - Gamer Dad. My good buddy posted it on Facebook mentioning how he liked it. So, I decided to give it a listen. Being a new parent, it can be hard to find a balance between your hobbies and personal life. This episode gave me hope that I really could. From there, I started testing out some other podcasts and started to realize that other people wanted to play the game just like me! Huge shout-outs to The Independent Characters, The Overlords, and Masters of the Forge for their continued inspiration and entertainment in 2014.

4. Painting my Eldar for the Celesticon Tournament

This army was a labor of love, and a long time coming. Most of these models I've had for years. Finally getting them painted and on the table in a tournament was a real big turning point in the hobby for me. It also really helped me hone my style and confidence in my painting. Sure, the army isn't super effective. But, whenever I put them on the table it makes it all worth it. 

3. Gaming with Long Distance Friends

I have moved around a lot over the last couple years. Because of it, I have some really close friends who live pretty far away. I really cherish games I get to play with them. Luckily, this year I got to play a couple games with each of them. Beyond the tactics and the fluff, I really love the experience of playing games with friends. Much of our hobby is solitary (clipping, glueing, cursing, painting, more cursing, etc.), so these moments playing with dear friends are really special.

2. Endgame Oakland

Endgame is a really incredible store. It has beautiful tables, a great option of paints and models, and an awesome 40k community. The Inquisition War campaign they ran this year was really top notch. One of my favorite parts about the store and it's community is the focus on creativity and the narrative. Almost everyone who plays there has a custom chapter or story behind their armies. It makes for great games, and a really awesome community. Huge shout-out to Mike and Adan for all the work they do. Looking forward to the new campaign in 2015!

1. Corsair Radio

I don't get a lot of time to play 40k. My life is pretty hectic with family and work, which gives me one or two days a month to get a game in. I spend time hobbying (converting, building, painting) and reading, but that left me feeling like I was missing out. So, in August I decided to start this blog. It has been so much fun sharing my ideas, writing, and oddball models with everyone. 40k has an incredible community, and it stretches all over the world. Being a small part of that has really given me confidence to continue to push my boundaries. I look forward to writing, painting, and posting more in 2015!

Thanks for reading, and Happy New Year!

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